CMS, as you all know is the essential part of website creation. The open source, and the custom CMS are most commonly used CMS types. Strictly speaking, both these CMS types are unique in the features they offer to the organizations, and developers prefer the best CMS type according to their requirement. Anyhow it remains as a matter of fact that open source development is widely selected by developers over Custom CMS or proprietary CMS these days. It does not indicate that custom CMS is unpopular, and is of no use. The use of Custom CMS will prove to be effective at some points for completing the activity of website development. Here let us make a general study on the positives and negatives of both these CMS.
Custom CMS
Custom CMS is basically industry specific, and it is usually made to carry out special purposes. It is subscribed for a limited period of time, ranging from a month to year or even more. Custom CMS, at times allows organizations to save production cost. Instead of going for the complete purchase, companies can choose a software which has already been created for the same purpose. At times companies will receive a better product,if the company which provides the software offers timely updates.
Initial cost of Production is Low : Rather than creating the CMS new, companies can make use of a pre-built CMS which offers the same features they are looking for. It will help them to save making cost, a lot.
Less number of Spam : Proprietary CMS is less utilized, for that reason it contains very less number of spam. The focus of hackers will be largely on CMS types that are widely utilized.
No options for customizing : Custom CMS comes with many number of parameters, and is difficult to customize according to the needs of the users. It needs webmaster’s permission for even small changes.
Need to wait for webmaster’s help even for making simple changes : Custom CMS is not an independent platform, hence users rely on others all the time for making changes.
Issues of security, quality, and inclusion of additions : Quality of a custom CMS remains unpredictable. There may be security lags, and issues with integration leading to the overall performance of the product.
Open source CMS
Open source platforms are commonly used. WordPress, and Drupal are good cases in point. Any developer who have sufficient knowledge about the programming languages will be able to modify it, and because of free accessibility to codes it is easy to make corrections.
Availability of Developers : Custom CMS vs Open source: is making a choice that difficult? Open source platforms are widely used, and users will find plenty of developers who have knowledge of the codes. Developers who have the technical know-how are easily available.
Consistent Updates : All the popular open source CMS platforms are frequently updated, and users can freely download these basic updates likewise.
Better Usability, and Simple Customize : Open sources can be customized in multiple ways as per the likes of users. It adds to the usability of open source platforms. User can create better interfaces by spending less amounts using open source CMS platforms.
Portable Platforms : Users can shift from one open source CMS platform to the other without much difficulties. You will have all the facilities in your website while porting it to another open source CMS. Drupal to WordPress is a good instance.
Some Open source Platforms are not worth using : Every open source platform shares almost the same base, but some platforms are rarely updated, and are really a pain to use.
Presence of Spam : Developers need to be careful, while using open source platforms. All widely utilized CMS platforms that are free to download comes with a lot of spam, and are vulnerable.
Customers who need special additions in their CMS need to pay more : The templates or widgets included in open CMS platforms may not be sufficient, hence users need to pay more money in addition to the initial investments to run the website. Anyhow the basic open source customization services are cost-effective, but customization may go high.