How do you Get Bootstrap and Angular 2 to Work without Conflict?

Bootstrap and Angular 2

Bootstrap and Angular are perhaps the most vital coding tools for any coder. While the former turns you into a brute just grabbing and injecting data greatly reducing the time it would take to churn out a website, the latter is more systematic giving you more functionality and better viewing but comes with the sacrifice of more time and coding. Nevertheless, if you thought you can get better results on your CSS or JS project with your Bootstrap developer using either of the tools, you definitely haven’t tried using both of them. 

But, it is easier said than done. While the two platforms do present you with hoards of flexibility and functionality, it is quite easy to find yourself in a fix especially if you did not hire Bootstrap developers or if this is your first time. The two platforms work differently, with different requirements and, consequently, different results and viewing. But, that does not rule out the possibility of bringing the two tools together and bringing their best attributes to project.

What are the Differences and Similarities Between Bootstrap and Angular 2?

Bootstrap and Angular 2 similarities

Why Bootstrap and Angular 2 Don’t Get Along

The truth of the matter is, there is really no conflict between Bootstrap and Angular. However, there is a rule that suggests you should not use the full jQuery library on your Angular projects. The reason for this is because it makes it harder for you to realize the full potential of Angular. Additionally, if you would like to tweak the view on your project, it is best done based on the Angular data. Angular 2 comes with an add-on known as jqLite and this comes with the jQuery library. 

While the Angular and jQuery can be used differently to achieve the same goal, the same can’t be said of the Bootstrap JS, jQuery and Angular on the same pedestal. You can be able to work with Angular without jQuery. However, you do need the components of Bootstrap JS to get the front-end functioning. This is where the problem starts. 

Bootstrap JS library relies on jQuery and the way jQuery manipulates data is somewhat different from how Angular does it. Which is why, if you would like to use the two platforms together, you have to find a way to get rid of the reliance of Bootstrap on jQuery so you don’t have it impeding the functioning of Angular. That is why you get rid of it in the first place. 

jQuery is pretty basic with regards to how you build it into your DOM based on the events. It is simply a grab and injects kind of tool. So when used with a component from Bootstrap JavaScript like saying a button, what you simply have is like a toggle switch. Which when clicked goes to active if it is a button. If it is a checkbox, it is checked.

With Angular, the grabbing and injecting do not work. The data is processed and manipulated in a different way. Angular provides the Bootstrap components with variables. Then, based on the true/false nature of the component, Angular is able to bind a variable and then toggle it. Because the Bootstrap depends on jQuery to work and jQuery limits the output and benefits of Angular, you can’t have the two working on the same platform. Unless there is an alternative to locking jQuery out. 

How do you Get Bootstrap and Angular 2 to Work without Conflict? 

There are two ways that you can go around this. If you really have to use Bootstrap JS in its true form, you should load jQuery before Angular. That way, Angular will not use its built-in jQuery lite version. If it works, you save yourself lots of trouble. In case you get the “jQuery is not available” error, you have to make sure that $http.get() is working fine. 

If that doesn’t work and you’re not looking to hire Bootstrap developers, the other alternative is using UI Bootstrap. This is a lengthier and requires some coding knowledge but, it gets the job done. 

The UI Bootstrap is a project that is built by the Angular UI team that adds components that extend Angular. Unlike the Bootstrap JS, the UI Bootstrap has very different and very supportive requirements. These includes

  • Needs a Bootstrap CSS file
  • Needs Angular
  • Does not need jQuery

Now that you know what the UI Bootstrap is, how do you integrate it into your Angular 2 project the right way?

On an Angular App

Before you can bring the UI Bootstrap, you need to have created an Angular module and controller for the app. After that, you will need to create the variables for the Collapse and for buttons. Once these are in place, you can simply pick your UI Bootstrap file and add it to the project. With that, you can be able to include the ui.bootstrap function in your Angular module. 

In one simple step, you’re able to get the directives you need that work like the components of Bootstrap JS

For Button Directive

To apply the UI Bootstrap for the button directive, the correct way to use the checkbox button according to the UI Bootstrap Docs is adding the ng-model to what is being defined then you can proceed to add the btn-checkbox attribute. Everything should work if you get this right. 

For the collapse Directive

Things are a bit different here. You will need to open or close the panel on the basis of the true/false value on the iscollapsed variable. To toggle the panel, you will simply use ng-click = ! iscollaped that will toggle the variable which consequently toggles the panel. 

In case you have problems along the way, here is a video that covers the ground on matters related to the UI Bootstrap and related matters. 

The truth is, Bootstrap and Angular 2 don’t have much of a conflict. The jQuery factor is the one that triggers the hibbie jibbies on either side of the spectrum. However, with these two tips, you should be able to get over the slight hiccups and get the two platforms to work together flawlessly. 

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