Node.js Version 6 - New Improvements and Features

Nodejs Version 6

Node.js is up with its latest version just 6 months after the release of version 5. The new version is adorned with a handful of performance improvements adding to its security and stability . The version 6 of Node.js will make every Node.js developer happy for it brings in long-term support. It is expected to offer web developers more reliability and stability. 

What are the vital improvements in Node.js version 6?

One of the essential additions in Node.js is the increase in the speed of module loading. The older LTS version, especially 4 has less speed, hence developers used to spend more time for application development cycles. Now the latest version attempts to increase the speed by four times more. The version is an updated one with JavaScript V8 engine. The older version has compatibility with JavaScript engine 5.0 only. This new update is 93% complete in terms of ES6 features. 

Node.js v6 includes a host of features namely super keywords, default as well as rest parameters, and diverse classes. Node.js 6 comes with an added buffer API which is built-in to lessen the number of programming bugs, and other issues. In addition to it, other notable enchantments encompass a Zero-fill buffer, an improved constructor method, and an advanced Math.random(). Node.js developers can also utilize an increased number of documentations and testing, as well.

The new version enables extremely simple JavaScript operations by means of an enriched proxy, reflect, and symbols. Version 5 will receive a proper maintenance for few more moths. This LTS version will be shifted to maintenance mode, and it will receive updates, and bug fixing in future. Whereas, the new version of node.js 6 will get lifetime support, added ES6 features, and a JavaScript V8 engine. 

When can Developers Shift to Node.js v6?

However, developers will have to wait till October 2016 for shifting to Node.js 6. It will be an LTS version by that time, and there onward developers can make the alterations accordingly. 

Note : Now Node.js v6.2.1 is available - check here for more details.

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